Loose Women’s Janet Street Porter gives health update as she posts from hospital trucc


Janet Street Porter has issued an update to her fans as she recovers from surgery

Woman walking

Loose Women panellist Janet Street Porter has issued a health update from the hospital as she continues to recover from surgery. The star is missing from the ITV1 chat show as she recovers from hip replacement surgery.

Posting to Instagram Janet shared a picture of her practicing her walking and said it wasn't easy. She said: "Day 6 and I've joined the call button wearing community! Trying to obey Annie's orders and put feet in right order. Computer scrabble is easier..."

Many fans commented messages of support, one said: "Lovely to see you back on your feet keep up the good work Janet xx" and another said: "Ahhhhh massive well done Janet! Looking great xxx". A third said: "Brilliant to see you up and walking xx". For the latest TV & Showbiz news, sign up to our newsletter.

Before undergoing her operation Janet admitted on Loose Women that she felt nervous while talking to fellow panellist Coleen Nolan. Coleen shared her emotional reaction, stating: "You know this morning when we were talking about it - it made me really sad because you always put on this tough image that nothing does your back in and at one point today you said 'I'm really scared' and I could have cried my eyes out."

Janet, holding back tears, confessed: "I am vulnerable and you know what it's my own fault because they told me in March to have it done but I delayed it but then at the weekend I have some vegetables delivered and even though I shouldn't I was on all fours planting them."

Acknowledging the consequences of her actions, she said: "I woke up on Sunday morning and I couldn't move and now I've really messed up the other side of my back and I had to lie-down for two days." She added: "I realised that I let myself get too weak and I've never been like this in my life and it's just so irritating."