I proposed to my boyfriend on Loose Women today - thanks to Coleen Nolan trucc


Coleen Nolan, Michael Hopkins and Liam Halewood. Coleen made it possible for Liam to propose to Michael on Loose Women.

A well known Blackpool entertainer appeared on today’s Loose Women as a special guest who proposed to his boyfriend on the show.

Liam Halewood, 38, was in the front row of the audience when he got on one knee to propose to partner Michael Hopkins, 43.

Loose Women presenter Coleen Nolan, who grew up in the resort and is a friend of Liam’s, made it all possible and interrupted the show to introduce the pair after a commercial break..

During the interval, Liam had presented Michael with a silver coloured titanium diamond ring.

Coleen, 59, said, as the cameras returned: “Theres been a proposal. During the break my friend Liam, who is in the audience, proposed to his partner, Michael!”

And, as the film clip of the proposal was then shown and the audience applauded, Coleen added: “It was so romantic. We wish you all the best, we really do. And we wait for the invitation!”

Liam, who is well known on the Fylde coast for his uncanny look and sound-alike tributes to Boy George, wanted to give Michael a day to remember.

His romantic gesture followed Michael’s own proposal to Liam earlier in the month, when he asked Liam for his hand during a cruise in Norway.

A day he’d never forget

Liam, of North Shore, Blackpool, said today: “It was all a surprise for Michael, I wanted it to be a day he’d never forget.
“He is a huge fan of Loose Women and has always loved the nolans.

“So i planned it all - but I could never had done it without Coleen, she was brilliant and made it all possible.

“The day started with me asking Michael if we could drive to London for a surprise, and when we got to Television Centre in White City, where Loose Women is filmed, I told him what it was all about.

“He was really excited but he had no idea I was going to propose.

“It was absolutely brilliant, a really special moment.

“Michael has never been in a TV studio before, unlike me, so it was a whole new experience for him.”

Cruise ship surprise

Earlier this month, Michael had proposed to Liam on the cruise ship after leaving a series of clues for him to follow, including romantic roses left for him at various bars.

It culminated in Michael presenting Liam with a black titanium diamond ring.

The pair first met 18 months ago when Liam was appearing at Blackpool's Doric Hotel as a singer, a long-term residency dating back for more than decade, and Michael was working in hotel reception.

Michael, who is now the operations manager of the Doric, is originally from Preston, while Liam, who has lived in Blackpool for 14 years, originally hails from Liverpool.

The pair have now booked an engagement party for February next year.