Unexpected Drama Unfolds in Big Brother House: Evacuation, Alarms, and Live Feed Interruption trucc


An alarm blared out the night leaving stars bewildered

THE Big Brother house has been secretly evacuated - throwing the show into chaos.

Alarms blared during the night as housemates were told to make a quick exit.

Big Brother housemates were evacuated yesterday

Big Brother housemates were evacuated yesterday

Ali threatens to leave the house during tonight's episode

Ali threatens to leave the house during tonight's episode

It meant the live feed was cut - leaving fans in the dark about what went on.

A source told The Sun: "The fire alarm went off - there was no fire - and the entire house was evacuated in the night."

Viewers were confused as to why the live feed cut to bird song for hours.

A Big Brother spokesperson said: "The Housemates were evacuated from the Big Brother House for a brief period yesterday after a fire alarm was activated.

"The safety and security of our cast and crew is always of the utmost importance."

Despite the live feed promising to deliver drama, superfans watching late at night were left disappointed.

After hanging on for hours in hope of the feed returning, Big Brother viewers were left without.

One said: "Something big has happened in the big brother house we haven't had any live feed action now for exactly two hours."

Another moaned: "The birds should be a rare thing that happens for 30 seconds at a time sometimes if housemates are discussing the outside world. There should not be any time at all where there is 30 straight minutes of this! This is not a live feed."

The Big Brother house descended into chaos this week after the results of the nominations were revealed.

Daze, Lily and Ali have all received the most nominations and will face the public vote on Friday.

And in scenes set to air tonight, Ali seriously doubts her future in the house after another row with Khaled and threatens to walk.

Trying to smooth things over with Khaled, she suggests: “What I was going to suggest was that maybe it would be nice to park some of this stuff and try to get to know each other.”

Khaled replies: “I feel like that's disingenuous, can you see how that raises alarm bells for me, because you had no interest in that.”

His reply leaves her very frustrated, and she tells him: “I don’t have an agenda, I’m not staying here, I’m going home.”

Thinking she is talking about the eviction, Khaled replies: “You don’t know that yet” to which Ali clarifies: “No, I’m going home by choice, I’m not staying here.”

As she begins to get emotional, Ali explains: “I don’t want to have arguments with people on television, I am not staying.”

The conversation comes to an end as Khaled says: “don’t leave” whilst Ali responds: “I am leaving.”

Making her way into the bedroom, Ali tells the other Housemates: “I’m going, I don’t want to be here anymore, don’t tell the others but I don’t want to be here anymore so I’m going.”

Tensions run high in the Big Brother house

Tensions run high in the Big Brother house

The stars discover who is up for nomination

The stars discover who is up for nomination