Mia Thornton issued a public apology seemingly directed at her former best friend, Jacqueline Blake, and Peter Thomas. On the current season of the Real Housewives of Potomac, her friendship with Jacqueline turned when, in the midst of an argument, Mia accused her of sleeping with a married man. During the recent reunion, the ex-besties went head-to-head as the rest of the cast seemed horrified.
At the taping, Mia also spread a rumor that castmate Dr. Wendy Osefo cheated with Peter. After this aired, Peter posted a video slamming Mia and denying the allegation. In response, Mia’s husband Gordon – a friend of Peter’s – called out his buddy, who he’s known for some time.
On Twitter, per @bravoshaderooom, Mia seemed to apologize to Jacqueline.
“I want to Publically apologize to my Bestie, my sister, and my ace,” wrote Mia. “I’m sorry I was not able to give you the emotional support you needed while embarking on a new chapter of life.”
She went on to say, “I’m sorry I was nasty and rude and didn’t find more patience. I know we may never be ok, but know I want the world for you.”
In another tweet, Mia seemed to address Peter over the cheating allegation against Wendy.
“I’m sorry for repeating what I heard without discussing the alleged with the person directly. I have so much love for my family & friends, It pains me to know I caused so much off-camera drama,” she said.
The 38-year-old continued, “Brotherhood is Bond. While G needs more time to process, I want to publicly apologize for spreading a rumor. It’s rude and [not] very nice of me.”
RHOP Live Viewing – This is also the live viewing thread for part three of The Real Housewives of Potomac season 7 reunion, so feel free to comment below as the new episode airs at 8/7c on Bravo.