Kristina Confronts Ava, Which Ends In a Tragic Accident Leaving Lives Hanging in the Balance hangg


At the pool, Joss and Gio talk about how hot it is, and that maybe tonight they’ll jump in the Quartermaine pool.

Gio GH

Lois has drinks with Brook Lynn. She thinks it’s great that Sonny will bankroll a new label for Blaze. Brook Lynn feels this is an opportunity for her to prove herself and for Blaze to make the music she wants. Lois says managing a label differs from managing an artist and asks if she is willing to take on both.

Lois and Brook Lynn label GH

Brook Lynn is excited and has many ideas but asks her mom if she thinks she can’t do it. Lois knows she can do anything. Brook Lynn admits she hasn’t told Blaze the idea yet, but Lois thinks she’ll jump at this deal. Brook Lynn says this won’t just rebuild Blaze’s career, it will take it to the next level. Lois asks about Sonny’s involvement. Brook Lynn says all he’s doing is putting up the money, she gets to make the decisions.

BLQ and mom talk label GH

S3 Powersport's Show Stopper Polaris RZR XP 1000 Mudder

Brook Lynn is grateful to Uncle Sonny, she doesn’t want to disappoint him, but she also thinks Sonny is doing this primarily to support Kristina. Lois says that part is out of her control. Blaze arrives, and Lois leaves so they can talk. Blaze sits down, and Brook Lynn tells her that Sonny is willing to fund an indie label for her to run and produce Blaze’s album. Blaze is stunned but very interested. Blaze assumes this must have come together quickly. Brook Lynn admits she knew about it before the Perez interview but didn’t want to say anything that might distract her. She also reveals that Natalia was the brainchild behind this and does have her back. Also, Natalia is coming to discuss the deal, but if she doesn’t want to stay, she understands.

Brook Lynn grateful GH

Suddenly, Natalia appears. Brook Lynn explains that Blaze knew she was coming and that the label was her idea. She gives them a moment to talk.

Brook Lynn talks to Gio and offers him some local session work as she has a new label that can use his talents.

Meanwhile, Natalia tells Blaze how sorry she is for what she said and that she never wanted to cause her pain. She is also sorry Blaze got dropped by her label because of her words, and she regrets what she said and that it cost her daughter her hard-earned success. Natalia is proud of her and believes the world should hear her talent. This new label allows her to take control of her life. She says Sonny will back it, Brook Lynn will run the label, and she’d love to be involved, but that’s her decision.

Natalia is sorry GH

Blaze says she’s so grateful for everything her mother has done for her career, but she is moving into a new authentic phase, and she can’t see involving her as she can’t accept who she is. Natalia knows she’s hurt that she didn’t accept her lifestyle. Blaze argues it’s not a lifestyle, it is who she is. She says Kristina is amazing, and if her mother can’t accept their love, then she doesn’t know where they go from here.

Blaze uncertain GH

In Ava’s room, she meets with Trina about the latest shipment coming into the gallery. Suddenly, Cates walks out wearing only a towel. Trina becomes flummoxed, and Ava explains that John is just here using the shower because his place has terrible water. He needs to be nice and clean for his FBI duties.

Shirtless Cates GH

Trina rushes out, and Cates wishes Ava would have given him some warning that she had guests. She says he could use some discretion when walking around her room. Cates jokes she didn’t complain about his state of undress last night. Ava admits it was fun, but he can’t stay here as it will look bad for her custody hearing.

Ava's guests GH

Cates gets dressed, and he lets Ava know he’s not looking to parade her around town on his arm either, as she is a former member of the Jerome family. His bosses might not like it. Ava tells Cates to take his bags with him on his way out. He says he’ll leave them and grab them tonight so they can see one another again. She smirks.

Trina heads to the pool and tells Joss what she witnessed in Ava’s room. Joss says Ava never does anything without an agenda, so she must think Cates can do something for her.

Joss Trina news GH

At the hospital, Jordan meets with TJ and feels something has been bothering him lately. TJ explains the situation with Kristina has gone from bad to worse. TJ fills her in on the Perez show, and Molly pushing Kristina to sign papers terminating her rights. Kristina, of course, refused. He doesn’t know where to go from here. Jordan says he is the baby’s biological father, giving him rights. TJ knows Molly has few rights here, and what if Kristina refuses to sign over this child to them? Jordan thinks it is time to consult a lawyer. TJ doesn’t want his child to start their life in a custody battle, but that is where they are headed.

TJ and Jordan talk GH

Jordan knows Molly has no legal or biological ties to the baby, so that has to be hard for her. TJ says Molly was rattled by the interview with Perez, and she wants to trust Kristina, but he doesn’t think they can. TJ can feel them moving in opposite directions over this, and that scares him. Jordan is hopeful the three of them can work things out, but if he has to go to court to fight for his child, she’ll be there fighting with him.

Jordan supports TJ GH

In the halls, Alexis is on the phone with Adrian and tells him Kristina has made her statement, and that is it. If he prints one more story, she will find him and make him sorry.

Alexis runs into TJ, who is now alone. She asks to speak with him and knows the situation they are in is awkward. She knows there is tension between him, Molly, and Kristina. She loves her girls and loves him too, and she hopes they can put their differences aside and get back to where they were when they started this process. TJ wants that too, but he thinks it will only happen if Kristina hands over their baby. Alexis knows the situation is difficult and to just try and keep the peace. TJ asks if this applies to Kristina, too, or if this is just advice for him and Molly. He vents that everyone is walking around eggshells around Kristina, and she went on TV, making it seem this baby is her and Blaze’s. TJ asks what happens if Kristina tries to keep their baby.

Alexis TJ talk GH

Sam and Molly meet at the new café in town for lunch. They discuss the Perez show. Molly feels Kristina all but claimed the baby as her and Blaze’s. Sam tries to play devil’s advocate and asks if she talked to Kristina. Molly did, and Kristina claims she was trying to protect her and TJ’s privacy. She wants to believe Kristina, but she may have forced her hand and pushed her not to keep her promise to hand over the baby. She tells her about demanding Kristina sign over her rights. Sam agrees it was a wrong move. When someone tries to force Kristina, she does the opposite to prove them wrong. Molly admits she got in a big fight she said ugly things, and Kristina also said she and TJ were headed for a breakup, and maybe she could provide a more stable home for this child.

Sam and Molly lunch GH

Molly doesn’t know if Kristina believes she and TJ will break up or if she’s using that as an excuse to keep the baby. Molly wants to trust Kristina, but the reason the Perez interview hit her hard is that she is the only one not biologically related to this baby. She says their mom spoke to her and told her she needed to be the one to keep the peace, so she apologized to Kristina. Sam is proud of her for being the bigger person. Molly explains it was a good thing she was there as Ava served Kristina papers to testify in her and Sonny’s custody battle, and it was nice to be able to be there for her and to give her guidance. Molly admits she feels better after talking to Sam, hopeful even. She says it’s been a bumpy ride, and they are in the home stretch. Once that baby is here, they will all see their cute little face, and she has to believe it will all work out.

Molly is worried GH

In his office, Sonny tells Brick over the phone that he wants Ava surveilled around the clock and to take photos. Kristina arrives and tells her dad that Ava has subpoenaed her in his custody battle over Avery. Sonny tells her not to worry, she won’t have to testify as it won’t get that far.

Sonny promises Kristina GH

Sonny asks what else is going on with her when suddenly, Scott interrupts them. Scott says Sonny’s attempt to block Ava from seeing Avery has been dismissed by the court. Scott gloats that Ava will spend the weekend with her daughter. He also tells Kristina they will see each other tomorrow morning at ten. Kristina states they have no appointment, so he suggests she read that subpoena more carefully. He says she needs to be deposed before she can testify.

Scott gloats GH

Kristina tells Scott to go to hell and storms out. Scott tells Sonny Ava will win and that he needs to get used to saying goodbye to Avery. Sonny says, “I wouldn’t be too sure.”

Kristina furious GH

Later, Lois arrives as Sonny is making calls to block Ava’s visitation. She hopes she’s not interrupting, but he says never. He asks how the Quartermaines are treating Gio, and she says they all love him, and even Tracy is being nice to him. She came here to talk about the record label he’s funding. Sonny says it’s an investment in Brook Lynn, Blaze, and Kristina. Lois needs a little more information about it, especially the financing. Sonny asks what she wants to know. Lois feels this is a bit of déjà vu with L&B. Sonny says he would never hurt Brook Lynn.

Lois wants answers from SOnny GH

Lois says if anyone else came swooping out of nowhere offering her daughter a record label, she’d say something funny was going on and to walk away. Lois knows he’s not just anyone, she loves him, but she knows history can repeat itself. Lois asks if this record label will be clean or not. She will do anything to protect her daughter and knows he will do the same for his children. She only wants to protect her little girl and the career she’s worked hard for. Sonny says it’s one thing for Ava to turn on him, but now his oldest friend is turning on him, just like everyone else. He tells her to go ahead and leave. Lois crosses her arms and doesn’t budge.

Sonny feels betrayed GH

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Kristina shows up at Ava’s room at the Metro Court and demands she withdraw the subpoena. Ava says she is a mother trying to protect her daughter, and she should know something about that, given her current state. Kristina refuses to be deposed or testify at the hearing. Ava points out that she’ll be cited for contempt and it will only bolster her case. Ava asks what she’s hiding that has her afraid to testify. Kristina warns her to withdraw the subpoena or else. Ava asks what she’ll do: perjure herself like her mother or get on the stand and tell the truth that she witnessed her father threaten to kill Dex. Ava gloats she’s looking forward to watching her testify against her father in court.

Ava and Kristina argue GH

As they argue, someone in a nearby room is photographing them. Kristina vows she’ll get on the stand and testify about what Ava did to Morgan and that she killed Connie. Ava lunges at Kristina, who screams, “Don’t touch me!” She steps back and trips over Cates’ luggage.

Ava in the window GH

Kristina tumbles through the window and falls into the Metro Court pool below as everyone looks on in horror.

Kristina in pool GH

On the next General Hospital, Joss jumps into the pool to save Kristina as Blaze screams her name. Later, Chase tells two officers that he doesn’t want anyone leaving the scene. Dante asks someone, “Do you know something?” Lois tells Sonny, “We cannot table it when it affects my daughter’s future.” Ava calls someone and says, “I need you like I’ve never needed you before.”  TJ asks Alexis what she’ll do when Kristina tries to take their baby.