Is the Writing on the Wall for Valentin? — Plus, After So Many Sad Stories, General Hospital Could Use a Joy Injection hangg


General Hospital took us from rage, to sadness, and back to rage this week. Gregory’s memorial was beautiful, but Finn getting drunk ended up making it all about him. Valentin has big trouble headed his way, and Natalia just needs to go away! 

The Super Spy’s Secret Has Been Uncovered!

In last week’s column, I discussed how it appeared they were setting up a who shot Ava storyline. This week I’ve been left wondering, are they writing Valentin out? Because I hope not! However, they are quickly painting him into a corner.

Anna discovered it was Valentin who hired the hit on Jason in order to frame Sonny and take two birds out with one stone. First off, the hitmen had worked for Sonny in the past, which was how he intended to frame Sonny. What kind of hitmen who have worked for Sonny would take a job taking out Jason? That’s just suicide! With that said, it’s now become a game of spy versus spy as Anna tries to use Valentin’s love for her to get the goods on him and take him down. Last week I said they needed to just wrap this Pikeman storyline up and fast, and now it appears that we are in for the long game as Jason put it…

Anna and Jason debate GH

I really liked the scene of Jason questioning if Anna would be able to take down Valentin. Especially after he pointed out moments ago she was hesitant to tell him it was Valentin on the phone and the one who ordered the hit on him. Of course this came right after Anna blasted Jason for continuing to protect Sonny even though he admitted he thought Sonny could have put the hit out on him for a brief moment. It was a nice exchange showing how they both have similar flaws.

Anna’s mentioned many times how smart and clever Brennan is, yet he didn’t seem to be this week. He doesn’t see that his good friend Valentin is playing him. Valentin kept him in the dark about his plan to frame Sonny, simply alluding to his manic state would eventually cause Sonny to take out Jason for them. We also now know Brennan’s trial keeps getting postponed, and he’s waiting for Valentin to make the charges against him go away. Sorry Brennan, but it appears Valentin has no intentions of helping you or giving up control at Pikeman. It might benefit Anna if she paid her old WSB pal a visit and played “Let’s Make a Deal” with him and they worked together to take down Valentin. I find Brennan one of the best new characters, so I don’t care whose arms have to be twisted to make him a free man again! He has a lot of potential on the show, especially if… we lose Valentin, either from the show or to the dark side.

I’m Not an Alcoholic

The week began with Liz checking in on Finn, who insisted he hadn’t drank again and he wasn’t going to drink again. However, he pointed out that his problem was never alcohol, but the drugs that kept him alive while searching for a cure for Blackwood’s Syndrome. Yeah that was a big red flag, and we all knew where this was headed.

Finn makes a toast GH

Gregory’s memorial was really beautiful. I loved the things everyone said, especially Tracy stating contrary to conventional wisdom, “You can miss what you never had.” Violet kissing the box with her grandfather’s ashes in it was really sweet too. The plaque on the bench was a nice touch as well.

Chase and the tree GH

Of course, after the memorial was when Finn started throwing them back, only to be seen by Chase. What should have been a day about Gregory turned into Chase, Brook Lynn, and Liz being concerned about Finn. Brook Lynn brought up the very good point that it might not be wise for them to trust that Violet is safe with her dad given his condition and denial of his drinking. She even came up with a plan to keep the little girl at the Quartermaines for the summer while Finn gets help. Well, that’s if Finn gets help. I could see this turning into a nasty custody battle when Finn refuses to stop drinking. Oh, and her first plan to take the little girl to Italy with them on their honeymoon, and Chase’s reaction saying she thinks they should abduct a child, which is against the law, was hilarious.

Ignoring the fact that only weeks ago Jake was furious with Danny for smoking, and now here he is sneaking into bars to drink with friends, Jake got an eyeful in the bar, one that apparently let’s anyone in without checking their IDs, fake or not. Being protective of his mom, he told her what he saw Finn doing with some strange blonde, and then called his dad for back-up. So this must be how Jake gets over his anger towards Jason? Because Jason stepped up for his mother? That came out of nowhere. Jake calling Chase or Drew would have made more sense.

Jake tells his mom GH

Elizabeth made a b-line to Finn’s apartment where she found him and a blonde both drunk and swapping spit. I’ve said it for the past two weeks that they were going to use Gregory’s death to cause drama for the ever boring Finn and Liz. My problem is, Finn and Liz have only ever worked when their kids are in scenes with them, otherwise I have not become invested in them. That awful Franco-Painting-Liz’s Parents storyline killed any hope I’d be into them as a couple. And no, I get that I don’t have to like every couple on a soap, but they don’t even feel like a couple, which is the problem here. So making Finn a drunken cheater isn’t going to make me root for them to come out of this stronger, in fact, I hope Liz kicks him to the curb! And how long before Liz has the same idea as Brook Lynn and Chase and wants to take Violet from Finn? The best solution though would to FINALLY bring back Hayden.

Happy Pride Month to Everyone BUT Natalia!

Well if you didn’t already hate Ali/Blaze’s mom Natalia before, you probably do now! The biggest problem with this character is she was unlikable from the moment she appeared, and it’s going to take a miracle at this point for me to warm up to her. We had to endure her vitriol for three episodes this week, and it was three too many! I was glad Kristina stood up to her, and frankly, she should tell Blaze that her mother asked her to break up with her for the good of her career. Natalia taking over Brook Lynn’s place in the studio, using the fact she was at a funeral, was another example of how awful and controlling her character is. Blaze needs to wake up and see that “Mommy Dearest” wants full control of her life, not just her career, and fire her! Oh and the look on Natalia’s face when she realized Kristina and Blaze had reconciled was priceless!

Natalia's face GH

Natalia’s character really has me wondering about Blaze’s brother that was mentioned a few weeks ago, the one Natalia drove out of the business because of her controlling ways. Not that the show needs anymore new characters, but I wouldn’t mind if he dropped in just for a visit… and brought his boyfriend! It might be enough for Natalia to drop dead on the spot…

In other nasty, I mean Natalia news, Ava’s got her spreading her “traditional” opinions on her phone memo app, including saying gay people are flighty and don’t take life seriously. Bravo to Ava for standing up to Natalia and defending Kristina in those scenes. The way Ava’s been written lately, I don’t find myself applauding her too much anymore. I can’t wait to see how she uses Natalia’s own words against her.

Come On Get Happy!

Between Gregory’s passing, Finn’s drunkenness, nasty Natalia, and pretty much everything involving Sonny these days, I am ready for some more upbeat and happy storylines! It’s summer, so let’s have some fun storylines for a change writers!

The Metro Court pool opening up should bring some fun in the sun. Gio was clearly brought on to be Trina’s love new love interest, and that was made evident by her meeting him, and later telling Joss how watching him step out of the pool made her think she was seeing Spencer for a second. It was driven home again on Friday’s episode when she admitted to him that he reminded her of someone she was close to and died. Okay, did we need any of this dialogue? If feels like this has tainted any potential relationship between them now. Is Trina going to fall for Gio simply because he reminds her of Spencer? No thanks! Why couldn’t they have just written it that Trina, hanging out at the pool all summer, slowly begins to realize she’s got a thing for Gio, which means she’s letting go of Spencer?

Gio Joss and Trina meet GH

Thankfully the latest spoilers have Sasha and Cody back next week. We know John J. York is back taping as Mac, so let’s get that father-son storyline rolling again, along with just more Sasha and Cody scenes. Sasha is someone who deserves a little happiness, but I have to admit, seeing her on-screen will make me think about the real life tragedy and Johnny Wactor’s senseless killing.

Finally, I still feel “meh” about Drew running for Congress, but I enjoyed the pool scenes between him, Nina, Willow and Wiley. I was one of those who initially wanted to vomit during their rage sex, but I can’t believe I’m warming up to them. Aside from being a Dudley Do-Right, I’m not sure why Drew is still going out of his way to help Nina and Willow connect. And it’s obvious Nina is seeing Drew in a new light, she even said as much while watching him play with Wiley. I’m not hating them, and I genuinely want to see Michael and Willow’s reaction to the fact that they’ve been doing more in the office then just working.

That’s it for my thoughts and opinions this week. As always leave yours in the comments, and don’t forget, the Daytime Emmys are on CBS tonight! will be covering them on our various social media platforms.