Dr. Heavenly Kimes Says Phaedra Parks Got “Upset” Over Questions on RHOA Exit, Shares What Bravo Allegedly Said After Costar Called to Prevent Storyline, & If She’s Good for Show, Plus See Married to Medicine Midseason Trailer! liennhi


Dr. Heavenly Goes Live With Carlos King, Says Phaedra "Called the Network" Over Questions About RHOA Departure

So far, it seems that most fans are enjoying this current season of Married to Medicine. Of course, the season started with a bit of clout as RHOA alum Phaedra Parks joined the show despite not being a doctor or being married to one.

While some fans are happy to see the former RHOA star on their screens, others are wondering if she actually has a storyline. Now, Dr. Heavenly Kimes is speaking out about some of her dealings with Phaedra and if she thinks she’s good for Married to Medicine. 

As some fans know, Dr. Heavenly goes live on YouTube with reality TV producer Carlos King each Monday to discuss the show. Typically, Dr. Heavenly doesn’t hold back when recapping the show and talking about behind-the-scenes actions. Luckily, this latest YouTube live was no exception. 

The drama got started on YouTube when Carlos brought up the fact that it doesn’t seem like Phaedra has very much of a personal story. Instead, she is relying on the same Southern Belle act she used on RHOA


Carlos had this to say, “We’re disappointed by Phaedra’s comeback because the reason why Married to Medicine is the best show on Bravo is because of personal story. I don’t know anything about Phaedra besides the fact that she knows Dr. G. Are you guys not asking Phaedra anything personal? Are we gonna see Apollo? What’s going on with you and Housewives? Why are you not on the show anymore?”

Heavenly then responds by saying, “Do you want the truth, or do you want the truth?”

She then goes on to say that she talked to Phaedra and told her that the fans are going to want to know what happened with Housewives. According to Heavenly, Phaedra got upset and said, “This is a different show. We’re not talking about that.” Then, Phaedra called the network over Heavenly saying she was going to ask her about her past on camera.

Heavenly then said that she was told, “Don’t scare [Phaedra] off.” She went on to say that the network really wanted Phaedra on the show and put in a ton of work to get her there. 

Heavenly also continued to say that she does feel that Phaedra is good for the show because she makes great television. She said elsewhere in the video that she does think the situation with Phaedra’s unseen doctor boyfriend is real, but they broke up before he could sign the release, which is why fans only saw him with the emoji face. Heavenly also said that the network knew they broke up but ignored it so she could be on the show. 

It seems Phaedra will never address what happened with RHOA and where the rumors about Kandi came from. However, Carlos asking about it might put to bed one rumor surrounding the situation between Phaedra, Kandi, and Porsha. For years, some fans have believed that Carlos told Phaedra the lie about Kandi. Of course, he was the executive producer of RHOA for multiple seasons. 

Bravo also released the Married to Medicine season 10 midseason trailer, and that is below! Safe to say, there is a lot more drama on the way with the ladies.