Coleen Nolan checks for cancer every day after 'so much heartbreak' in family ngocc


Having inflicted hell on her family, the scourge of cancer haunts Coleen Nolan every day.Loose Women star Coleen Nolan has opened up about health fears, loss and grief. A Collage of lovely family photos of Coleen and the Nolans

So much so that for the Loose Women star, it has become a daily ritual to check for signs of the disease – as she’s terrified she will be the sister it strikes next. Speaking exclusively, Coleen reveals: “We have had so much heartache... I’m always checking. I still have this thing when I think, ‘What if I have missed it?’

“Really, from Linda, it became a big thing for me.” Coleen’s sister and fellow Mirror columnist Linda, 65, first battled breast cancer in 2006, but it returned in 2017 when she was diagnosed with incurable secondary breast cancer in her hip, which has since spread to her liver and brain.

Coleen’s sister Anne, now 73, also battled breast cancer in 2000 and 2020, while sister Bernie died from the disease aged just 52 in 2013. It’s left Coleen scared. “Whenever I’m in the shower, I will have a good feel and check,” she says. “And if there is ever a time when I think ‘I don’t like that’, I will go to the doctor straight away. And they will say ‘It’s fine, it’s a little cyst or an infection’.

The Nolans at the start of their fame in 1974: From left, Anne (24), Denise (22), Maureen (20), Linda (15), Bernadette (14), Coleen (9)
The Nolans at the start of their fame in 1974: From left, Anne, 24, Denise, 22, Maureen, 20, Linda, 15, Bernie, 14, and Coleen, nine 

“But it’s obviously in our family. I hope I don’t get it, but I just want to think that if I do, I’ll get it early. Linda put off going way too long. And she admits that now. She didn’t go straight away, so by the time they found it... it was huge.” Coleen has become so adamant about catching anything early that she even pays for regular appointments with a breast specialist, in addition to her NHS mammogram every two years.

“Anne was the first in our family to get it,” remembers Coleen. “There was 20 years between the first and second time, [but] both times, she got it picked up the day she felt something. I remember her saying that it felt like a grain of rice. She never had a mastectomy, she always picked it up early, which proves the point really.

“My breast specialist is £225 a year. People say, ‘It’s all right for you, you’ve got money’. But you could probably spend that in a year on takeaways, down the pub or on cigarettes.” Coleen, who turns 60 next March, has never been one to sugar-coat reality. Her ability to talk honestly about difficult issues is what made her transition from The Nolans to a much-loved Loose Women panellist and Mirror agony aunt so effortless.

Bernie Nolan (L) and Coleen Nolan
Bernie (left) with Coleen in 2011. She died from breast cancer aged just 52 two years later (

She’s now using her own suffering to help others, with her new book, A Hand To Hold - All I've Learnt About Grief, out August 29 by HarperNorth. It's inspired by her previous Mirror-backed podcast Let's Talk about Grief and offers advice and wisdom on dealing with one of the hardest human emotions. She shares poignant stories of her own life - from dealing with her mother's Alzheimer's (Read your exclusive Daily Mirror extract here) to the Three Little Words which left her furious after losing Bernie (Read your exclusive Daily Mirror extract here).

It was 2010 when The Bill and Brookside star Bernie was diagnosed, leaving her siblings – including Denise, now 72, Maureen, 70, Brian, 69, and Tommy, 74 – distraught.

Coleen actually had a premonition Bernie wouldn’t get the all-clear like Anne and Linda at the time. “I remember being told,” reveals Coleen. “It’s really weird. When I put the phone down, I cried my eyes out. With Anne and Linda I was thinking they would have chemo and they will fight it.

“[Yet] I don’t know whether it’s because I thought we can’t be three times lucky... but [with Bernie] I had this impending sense that she wasn’t going to make it.” Coleen was sadly right. The cancer spread to Bernie’s brain, lungs, liver, and bones, before she passed away in her sleep three years later.

Before Bernie's bombshell: Coleen Nolan, Bernie Nolan, Linda Nolan and Maureen Nolan (L-R) perform in 2009 (

Afterwards, Coleen battled depression. Eventually it was Bernie who saved her – Coleen remembered her sister making her promise: She could cry but only “for two weeks”, then she had to focus on the future. They were wise words – and Coleen wasn’t short of family to comfort her.

Coleen shares Ciara, 23, with second husband Ray Fensome and Shane Junior, 35, and Jake, 31, with first-husband-turned-”best-friend” Shane Richie. Having been through two divorces, Coleen believes a marriage break-up can be almost like another type of grief. Indeed for the TV star, her 2018 split with Ray was made even more difficult because they didn’t have a prenup – which she used to be against. “[Sorting out] who gets what – it’s horrible,” she says.

That’s why she’s already joked she’ll have one with her new boyfriend Michael Jones, 59, a supermarket logistics manager. The couple met on Tinder in 2021 and moved in together in Coleen’s Cheshire home earlier this year.

Coleen and Michael have taken the leap to move in together 

“I do sometimes think, ‘Oh, it would be lovely’. Michael is my calm and peace,” she says, when asked about saying “I do” again.

“[And] I’m a hopeless romantic, and I loved being married... [However] I’ve said ‘If we ever get married, trust me we’ll have a pre-nup! 100%’”. For now it’s all about family time. Daughter Ciara, 23, recently got engaged to boyfriend Max Innes and son Jake will be welcoming his own little Nolan this Christmas.

Jake had to move into his mum’s garage in 2022 when his once-successful boyband Rixton crashed and burned. But he’s now engaged to pregnant fiancee Georgia and doing stand-up at Edinburgh Fringe. “I’m so proud of him,” Coleen says. “As a family, we have a lot to be happy for.”

The family motto is “life is to be lived right up until the end”. Bernie used her final days to plan her funeral. “Bernie had everything in place – even what car people were going in. The stress it took off my family was immense,” Coleen reveals. “She said everyone can wear what they like, and wanted a party.”

Linda has different ideas apparently. “Linda wants everyone in black, weeping and wailing,” jokes Coleen. “Linda will probably have a list of people she doesn’t want at her funeral - there are a lot of people Linda doesn’t like! I want mine to end on a laugh as that is what I’m known for.”

Daily Mirror's Linda Nolan fighting incurable secondary breast cancer - and got the whole family together for a holiday earlier this year (

Linda now lives with sister Denise in Blackpool and Coleen gets updates through the family WhatsApp group. “The two of them are always out, going for lunch, to the park,” says Coleen. “Linda gets scanned every three months and I hate it. I’m always thinking ‘Oh please God let this be a good phone call’. But she just takes it in her stride. She’s really grasping life by the horns and making memories. Her will to live and mental strength... I’ve never seen anything like it.”