'Southern Charm' Reunion: Taylor Ann Green Exposes Olivia Flowers For Hooking Up With Thomas Ravenel tram


Olivia Flowers and Taylor Ann Green may never rekindle their friendship after the latter revealed a bombshell secret about her ex-BFF during tonight’s Southern Charm reunion — and, yes, it unfortunately involves Thomas Ravenel.

After Flowers lays into Green and Austen Kroll for expecting her to accept their apology for hooking up and lying about it, Green advises her to “forgive as you would want to be forgiven,” implying that the southern belle might have some skeletons in her own closet.

“Go ahead and say it,” Flowers instructs. “I already see what you’re trying to do. You’ve been hanging this over my head. I want to see it. Say it.”

Eventually, Green says Flowers did something to a “friend and confidant” with “the Thomas thing,” referring to the time she hooked up with Ravenel, who shares a turbulent past with ex-girlfriend and former Southern Charm star Kathryn Dennis.

Shocked? So was the rest of the cast.

“I was fresh out of college, 20 years old, dumb, drunken night, one time,” Flowers explains. “[I] had a hookup with T-Rav. And I wanted to take it to my grave. Like, who wouldn’t?”

However, Green alleges that Flowers told her it happened “five years ago” — meaning the two children Ravenel shares with Dennis were both born by that point.

This isn’t the first time Flowers’ relationship with Ravenel has been called out. During last year’s reunion, Madison LeCroy brought up the rumor — however, Flowers denied it, telling the group he’s merely a “family friend.”

“Right afterwards, I sat down Taylor and I said, ‘I appreciate you sticking up for me. But you should know something did happen,'” Flowers recalls on tonight’s episode. “And she’s the only person on Earth that I told about that and here you are sitting here now trying to use it against me.”

Meanwhile, Green believes her secret makeout with Kroll is the “same situation” as Flowers hooking up with Ravenel and keeping it from Dennis.

“Kathryn is a friend and confidant. You lied about it. Why didn’t you go to Kathryn and say I’m sorry?” Green wonders, while Flowers insists that she met Dennis “after it happened.”

When host Andy Cohen asks whether Dennis and Ravenel were together at that point, Flowers says, “I have no idea. I do not believe so,” before getting in one last dig at Green.

“She’s been sitting there chomping at the bit to use it against me,” Flowers fumes as she turns to Green. “Not only have you proven yourself to be a shit friend, you’re a shit human too.”

If one thing is for sure, it’s that now would be a perfect time for Dennis to come back to the show!