‘Married to Medicine’ Recap: Sweet Tea Spills Tea About Dr. Heavenly and Damon liennhi


Photo Credit: Bravo TV

On tonight’s “Married to Medicine,” Phaedra plans a tea to bring all the ladies together to hash things out. She wants to “resurrect” their friendships and sets the tea at a church.

Despite the ladies participating, specifically Quad, Phaedra feels nothing was accomplished. During the tea, Sweet Tea spills tea about Dr. Heavenly’s marriage.

Meanwhile, Cecil and Simone talk about their son Miles, and Toya talks to Simone about her health.

Photo Credit: Bravo TV

Quad gets shady about Greg and Sweet Tea’s wedding.

Phaedra and Heavenly catch up with Quad at her house. They discuss Greg and Tea’s wedding. Quad throws shade and insists Gregory spent more money on their wedding. Heavenly was taken aback by her and Damon’s names being taken off the wedding guest list. She didn’t know Tea was mad at her.

Quad says it was wrong for Heavenly to start hanging around Tea and posting the pictures on social media. She expected more loyalty from Heavenly since they have a sister-like relationship. Heavenly understands where Quad is coming from. But she wants Quad to understand that she hasn’t been in touch with the group. So they didn’t know how she felt about Tea. And her failure to own that she’s been unavailable is frustrating to everyone else.

Quad eventually admits she did distance herself somewhat. She can work on this.

Cecil and Simone talk about their son Miles.

Simone and Cecil are not on the same page when it comes to parenting. While Simone wants to cut Miles off financially in a year, Cecil doesn’t think this is a good idea. He doesn’t think Miles can support himself. Simone points out that Miles is 26. It’s time for him to learn how to take care of himself.

Toya has a “shot bar” at her house that she invites Tea and Simone to use. They get an energy IV and talk about Tea’s health. She has what Simone says is “irregular bleeding.” Her period started not long after the wedding. Simone urges Tea to see her doctor about this.

Although Phaedra didn’t invite Tea to her “resurrection” event, Toya and Simone decide to bring her along anyway since Phaedra invited Quad to the bachelorette party.

Sweet Tea spills tea about Dr. Heavenly and Damon.

It’s the day of the resurrection. The ladies meet at a church. Phaedra gives a speech. Quad comes out of a coffin to give a speech about burying bitterness. She started where she was with all of the ladies. She and Sweet Tea have no issues. Quad believes she can move forward with Heavenly, Simone, and Jackie. In a green screen interview, Jackie says an email could have sufficed if Quad wanted attention.

It’s time for everyone to put it all out on the table. Tea tells Phaedra that her bachelorette party was not the right event for her to meet Quad. It was just awkward and messy.

Tea and Heavenly discuss the wedding mixup. Heavenly accepts that Tea is upset that she said that Gregory and Tea had no business getting married. But she stands by what she said because she thinks their relationship has major communication issues. This upsets Tea. She accuses Heavenly and Damon of having communication issues in their marriage. And she alleges that Heavenly hit Damon upside the head with a frying pan.

Everyone feels Quad isn’t holding herself accountable.

Heavenly tells Tea to calm down before things turn violent.

Quad and Toya talk about their feud. Toya says she hasn’t moved on from Quad accusing her and Eugene of having something to do with Anita’s house being broken into. Quad doesn’t recall making this accusation. But Toya doesn’t back down. She accuses Quad of never taking accountability for what she does to people. And over time, this has soured the others regarding her.

In a green screen interview, Phaedra says the event wasn’t a success because Quad didn’t want to take ownership of any of her actions. Heavenly says that the biggest issue everyone has with Quad is her lack of accountability. And it doesn’t seem like that will be changing anytime soon.

What are your thoughts on the episode?