‘Married to Medicine’ Newbie Dr. Alicia Egolum Checks Toya Bush-Harris liennhi


Photo Credit: Bravo

Toya Bush-Harris and Dr. Eugene Harris’ marriage has received a lot of criticism

“Married to Medicine” star Toya Bush-Harris is used to having controversial moments on the show. Fans and other cast members have been critical of her marriage. Dr. Heavenly Kimes has accused Toya of mistreating Dr. Eugene Harris and embarrassing him with certain comments. She also said Toya needed to “get a job” because she was overworking Eugene to keep her housewife lifestyle. However, Eugene does not see it that way at all. Eugene told fans of the show that Toya was actually the breadwinner in their marriage. So he doesn’t understand why Heavenly and others are so critical of Toya as a wife.

Interestingly enough, Dr. Nkemakonam Egolum has been receiving some criticism as well. He’s married to “Married to Medicine” newbie Dr. Alicia Egolum. In past episodes, Kema has expressed he and Alicia have more of a “traditional” marriage. Some of his comments have been labeled as insensitive. For example, he feels men should not cook. He also expressed he didn’t feel comfortable watching the kids when Alicia was away. These comments caused the other husbands to laugh and scratch their heads. And this will come up again during the next episode.

Dr. Alicia Egolum checks Toya Bush-Harris.

During the preview, Kema’s comments on marriage stir Dr. Jackie Walters. He believes men need to “train” their wives.

Kema tells the other husbands, “You got to be consistent. The same **** every time. Where is my food, where is my food?!”

All the other husbands could do was laugh but Jackie doesn’t see the humor.

Jackie says, “Women are not trained. Dogs are trained.”

Apparently, Jackie wasn’t the only one who took issue with what Kema said because Toya confronts Alicia in a later scene.

Toya says, “Why are you okay with him saying he trained you up?”

Alicia snaps, “Eugene needs to train your ***!”