Jess Girod & Kylee Russell Reveal If They Would Go to ‘Paradise’ Again and Who They’d Want to See There tram


Spilling the tea.

Bachelor Nation fans got to know Jess Girod and Kylee Russell as they both looked for love on Season 27 of “The Bachelor” and then on Season 9 of “Bachelor in Paradise.” 

As fans recall, Kylee found love with Aven Jones down on the beach, and the two were on and off after filming because of his multiple infidelities. However, Kylee recently confirmed that she and Aven are no longer together and the door on their relationship is officially shut. 

This week, both Jess and Kylee stopped by for an exclusive chat with, where they dished on all things dating, moving away from family, and whether they would want to go back to “Paradise.”

 Check out our full conversation with these two Bachelor Nation stars below!

Bachelor Nation: Hi, Jess and Kylee, it’s so good to see you! We know that you both moved down to San Diego recently. How are things going there? 

Jess Girod: We’re roommates, so we see each other a lot, which is amazing! It’s been going really well. 

Kylee Russell: Yes, Jess has been getting me out of my shell for sure! 

BN: That’s great! We know San Diego is not where either of you are originally from, so how has it been living away from both of your families? 

JG: I think it’s nice to have each other because it’s like a piece of home that’s far away. We are like family to each other, so it’s nice having one another. And I feel like we’re very similar and we like the same people. We’re basically doing the same things, which is nice!

KR: Yup. Like Jess said, we’re family, and one thing that’s been hard for me being so far away from mine is not being able to see them all the time. But having Jess around has been really nice for that. I’m kind of a quiet, reserved person, so Jess is the best friend to get me out, seeing the sights of San Diego and doing things I would probably never do. I’m super thankful for her. 

BN: That’s so sweet! And Kylee, we heard that you’re currently working at a hospital. What has that been like? 

KR: Yes! I was lucky enough to get a nursing job in the same field that I did in Charlotte. I’m a postpartum nurse, so I’m taking care of all the babies and mamas and I love my job! I can never see myself doing anything else, and I’m hoping to go back to school soon too.

BN: Amazing! And have either of you gotten back into dating at all after “Bachelor in Paradise”?

JG: No. I haven’t had a dating app yet, I’m thinking about doing it, but I don’t know. But I’m still the same picky girl, so we’ll see how it goes! I’ll let them come to me!

KR: Right now I’m just kind of focusing on myself. 

JG: Yeah, honestly, neither of us date much. 

KR: Seeing our friends dip their toes into the dating pool… we’ve seen the guys are very successful and very kind, but they’re not people who go after the girl. You kind of have to go up to them, and that’s something I’m not used to. In the South, the guys have a lot of Southern hospitality; they’re all gentlemen. So that’s something I might have to get used to here! 

BN: That makes sense! And if you get the chance, would either of you want to go back to “Paradise”? Is there anyone you would want to see there if you go? 

JG: We’ll see… I don’t know!

KR: If I’m going, I’m definitely dragging her with me!

JG: I think Jenn’s season had a lot of nice and cute men. For me, I went into this last “Paradise” with my eye on a certain person and it just didn’t go the way I thought. So I think if I were to go back, I’d want to be more open-minded and not stick to my certain type and just kind of see what happens. 

KR: I think last time we were both so hyper-focused on one person that we couldn’t truly enjoy the experience and kind of let our guard down and be open to other people. So I think for me if I went, I would just kind of want to see when I get down there. 

BN: That sounds like a great plan for the beach! We’re so excited to see who goes! When it comes to dating now and what you both are looking for in a partner, is it different from what it was before going on the show, or is it the same?  

JG: I really don’t date, like at all. Up until Zach’s season, I had two boyfriends and that was it. And it’s still pretty much the same. So “The Bachelor” in general has helped me a lot with dating because I am not great at putting myself out there and I feel like I’ve learned a lot about what I don’t want and what I do want. But also how I’m supposed to feel in the relationship. I used to think sometimes that feelings could just develop over time, but now I do believe you feel it right away and you should be excited right away. I feel like there are some things I’ve learned about myself and how I’m supposed to feel — safe, secure, excited, hopeful, all those.  

KR: I think I’ve realized my worth officially and realized that sometimes in my past relationships, I kind of changed who I was for the man. And I’m definitely not doing that anymore. My person is going to love me for who I am, so I’m just kind of seeking that. 

BN: Absolutely! We love seeing you both and we’re so excited for all that the future holds for you two. Thank you for chatting with us today!