Dr. Contessa Metcalfe on Married to Medicine Drama: ‘I Can’t Do Toxic’ liennhi


Dr. Contessa Metcalfe on stage at BravoCon 2019

Photo Credit: Heidi Gutman/Bravo/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

After taking a pause from Married to Medicine, you might have thought that Dr. Contessa Metcalfe would return to Season 11 with a fresh perspective. Unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case. She’s spent most of her time on the show going head-to-head with Dr. Heavenly Kimes. We all saw that clip of Contessa telling her former friend to “square up.”

Now that Season 11 has reached its halfway point, the two doctors have temporarily called a truce. They’re doing it for the sake of the annual couples’ trip. In real life, is Dr. Contessa ready to fully bury the hatchet with her former friend? She’s not so sure.

Dr. Contessa is proceeding with caution on Married to Medicine Season 11

Dr. Contessa Metcalfe for Married to Medicine Season 11
Photo Credit: Phylicia J. L. Munn/Bravo

In an interview with Bossip, Dr. Contessa chatted about all of the drama that’s been popping off in Season 11. When asked about a potential reconciliation with Heavenly, she admitted that she felt unsure because she “can’t do toxic.”

The Queen and her Corgis

“You make it hard to love you,” Contessa said of her former friend’s “toxic moments.”

She continued, “And that’s what I need to stop. As long as you don’t run your mouth like you want somebody to punch you in it, then I’m cool.”

That might be easier said than done, but Contessa did present a few ground rules to hopefully avoid some of the toxicity with Heavenly. In order to move forward, she’ll need to avoid talking about her husband. Most importantly, she just should never make any reference to Contessa’s mother who died in 2010.

If Heavenly can just keep the insults above the belt, there might be an opportunity to move forward. Otherwise, Contessa warned that she’d have to remove herself from the situation.

“Keep it restricted to me. If you keep it restricted to me, then we’re fine. There are rules,” Contessa explained.

Married to Medicine continues Sunday nights at 9/8c on Bravo.