Dante Places Ava Under Arrest as Kristina and the Baby’s Lives Are In Jeopardy hangg


In Ava’s Metro Court room, Kristina warns Ava that if she forces her to get on the stand, she’ll tell the court how she messed with Morgan’s meds, which led to his death, and that she killed Connie. Ava yells, “Don’t threaten me!” Ava reaches to grab Kristina. Kristina steps back, screaming, “Don’t touch me!” Kristina trips over Cates’ bag, tumbles through the window, and falls into the pool below.

Ava in the window GH

At the pool, Joss yells for someone to call 911 and asks Gio to get the first aid kit and backboard. Brook Lynn calls 911 as Joss jumps into the pool and turns Kristina, who is face down, over. Blaze sees it’s Kristina and screams out her name.

Joss jumps in to save Kristina

Natalia holds Blaze back, telling her to let Joss help Kristina. Trina looks up at the broken window and sees Ava standing there. Ava quickly closes the curtains, and then calls Scott and tells him that she needs him like she’s never needed him before.

Blaze screams

Joss holds Kristina afloat and tells her to hang in there. Joss lets a panicked Blaze know that Kristina is breathing. Gio brings the backboard into the pool and helps Joss get Kristina onto it. They float her to the pool steps and strap her onto the board.

Gio and Kristina GH

They get her out of the pool, and Trina brings towels to keep her warm. The paramedics show up and take over.

JOss Trina and Gio help Kristina GH

Dante and Chase arrive, and Brook Lynn tells Dante that Kristina is the victim. Dante goes to his sister’s side and tells her to hang in there and that she will be all right.

Dante supports Kristina GH

Meanwhile, Chase orders officers to lock the entire place down. Chase asks Brook Lynn if she saw what happened. Brook Lynn says she didn’t, she was meeting with Blaze and Natalia when Kristina dropped out of the sky.

Chase locks down the scene GH

Blaze wants to ride with Kristina in the ambulance, but she can’t as she’s not family. Joss says she’s Kristina’s sister and will go with her. Natalia leaves with Blaze to go to the hospital.

Dante tries to call his father, but he’s not answering.

In Ava’s room, she calls Scott again and asks where he is. She cries that everything is falling apart, and she needs him to come to her room at the Metro Court. Ava keeps thinking about the fight and Kristina going out the window. She tells herself that it was an accident and that she didn’t mean for that to happen. However, she knows nobody will believe her unless she helps them believe what she wants.

Ava calls SCott GH

In Sonny’s office, he tells Lois they should table this conversation as he has a lot going on. Lois won’t, as this affects her daughter’s future. She wants to know if the money he’s invested in this label is legit. He says it is, so she insists on seeing where the money comes from.

Sonny's money GH

Lois states that she loves him, but she has to look out for her daughter. He says he’ll put her in touch with his accountant. Lois tells Sonny she hates leaving things like this between them, but for now, it’s the way it has to be.

Lois has questions GH

Later, Sonny picks up his phone when Gio calls him. Gio explains Dante has been trying to reach him, and there’s been an accident at the Metro Court. He tells him Kristina fell out of a window and into the pool.

At the pool, Chase tells Dante to go to the hospital as he can handle this. Gio interrupts and tells Dante that he got through to Sonny, and he’s headed to the hospital. Dante says his dad will care for Kristina, and he wants to know what happened. Dante says they need to get ahold of the hotel security footage, and they need to get into that room. Dante notes the curtains are closed, so why didn’t Kristina grab them when she went out the window? Chase says that means Kristina wasn’t alone, and someone closed the curtains.

Dante has questions GH

Trina approaches Dante and Chase to talk to them. Later, she checks on Gio and tells him he should be proud of himself, especially since he has no medical training. Gio feels he should have known to go for the backboard without Joss telling him. Trina says, thankfully, they had Joss. Gio doesn’t know how this happened. Trina reveals it was Ava’s room Kristina fell from. He says, “Your boss?” She says she is her friend too. Gio asks how well Trina knows Ava. Trina admits that maybe she doesn’t know her at all. Trina says she knows Ava isn’t a saint and has done some bad things, but she’s been her friend and mentor. Trina explains that Ava’s always had her back, and she feels she’s more than the mistakes she’s made in the past. But now, maybe she has been wrong, maybe Ava is everything everyone says she is, or worse.

Trina and Gio GH

Brook Lynn splashes water on her face in the ladies’ room and recalls the accident. Lois finds her daughter, having heard what happened, and asks if she is okay. Brook Lynn tells her mother that Kristina was the woman who fell into the pool. Lois is shocked, and Brook Lynn tells her how great Joss and Gio were in the heat of it all. She also feels bad for Blaze, who was going out of her mind. Lois fears for Sonny, who said he wasn’t in a good place earlier and that he too will be out of his mind when he learns of this.

Brook Lynn and Lois GH

Brook Lynn asks why she was with Sonny. When Lois avoids the question, Brook Lynn assumes they were talking about her. Lois admits she had questions about the origins of the money Sonny’s investing in the label, and not all of Sonny’s income comes from legitimate sources. Brook Lynn can’t believe she thinks Sonny would use mob money to finance this label. Lois tells her daughter she has a blind spot regarding Sonny. Brook Lynn wishes she had brought these concerns to her instead of going behind her back. Brook Lynn asks her mom to respect her and her judgment. Lois says she’ll always be her little girl, and she’ll always look out for her best interests. Brook Lynn understands. Brook Lynn thinks back to Kristina and how cruel it would be for something to go wrong now that the baby is almost here.

In her room, Ava begins throwing things around and making a mess. She says, “Kristina did this to herself.” There is banging on her door, and Ava opens it to find Dante standing there.

Ava explains that she knew the police would be here soon, so she didn’t leave the scene. Dante asks what happened. Ava states Kristina came here unexpectedly, and she thought she was coming to help her with her custody suit. Dante doesn’t believe that. Ava thought Kristina had realized Sonny was unstable, and Kristina was subpoenaed by her lawyer, Scott. However, Kristina was irate, and she demanded that she recall the subpoena. She says Kristina lost it, became violent, and tried to attack her.

Dante and Ava GH

Ava says Kristina lunged at her, but she moved out of the way. She explains that’s when Kristina tripped over her shoes, which are now where Cates’ bag was, and she fell through the window. Dante relays that a witness saw her standing at the window and closing the curtains. Ava admits she closed them as she was afraid to look down and see what happened. Dante thinks she’s lying. Ava asks what he is accusing her of. Dante thinks she can figure that out. Ava insists this is her hotel room, Kristina came here and was unhinged, just like her father. Dante can’t believe Kristina tripped over a pair of shoes and fell out of a window with such force. Ava says Kristina is very pregnant, and she came at her, and everything that happened was her own doing. Dante doesn’t believe her and places her under arrest.

At the hospital, TJ and Alexis continue to discuss Kristina’s actions. Alexis says they don’t know what Kristina will do, and her daughters are in an impossible situation. TJ asks what she will do when Kristina tries to take their baby. Alexis hopes that doesn’t happen, but she can’t be in the middle, she can’t choose between her daughters. TJ says there is no getting around this, and Kristina is preparing to take their baby. He reminds Alexis that she told them that Kristina has the strongest legal claim to the baby. Alexis says the law is the law, and there is nothing she can do about it. TJ calls her a coward and walks away.

Alexis and TJ argue GH

Alexis follows TJ and insists there is nothing she can do here. TJ says if she does nothing, it will look like she’s choosing Kristina and not supporting Molly. Alexis says this was her biggest fear since the beginning. TJ argues that Kristina changing her mind is theft, making her Sonny’s daughter through and through. Alexis asks what he’d have her do. TJ wants her to talk to Kristina as she can get through to her, she might be the only one who can. TJ says if she chooses Kristina over Molly, she’ll lose Molly and it will shatter her family. Alexis cries. She tried to warn them about this and what could happen. TJ snarks, “That’s the best you have, I told you so?”

TJ alexis argue GH

Alexis tells TJ that instead of blaming her, he should sit down and talk to Molly. TJ says he and Molly agree that the baby is theirs, and Kristina has decided to change her mind and thinks that is her kid.

Meanwhile, Kristina is raced to the hospital, and in the ambulance, her blood pressure begins dropping. Kristina opens her eyes and asks if the baby is okay. She is confused, and Joss tells her they are on the way to General Hospital and explains that she fell through the window and into the pool. Kristina cries that she wants her parents. Joss says they are probably on their way to the hospital and to hang on for herself and the baby. Kristina says, “It’s almost here,” and then the machines she’s attached to begin to beep erratically.

Joss Kristina ambulance GH

Kristina is brought into the hospital with Joss by her side, and the paramedics update a doctor on call about what happened. TJ rushes over and sees Kristina is the patient. The other doctors take over, and Alexis and TJ ask Joss what happened. Joss tells them what she knows. After speaking with a doctor, TJ explains Kristina is hemorrhaging as the placenta has separated from the baby.

Alexis Joss TJ GH

Natalia and Blaze arrive, and Blaze asks TJ where Molly is. TJ says she’s in court, and he doesn’t know how to tell her about this. Blaze says she’ll help him, and they walk off.

Sonny arrives, and Alexis embraces him. Natalia tells them how Joss saved Kristina’s life. Joss explains she rode with Kristina in the ambulance and tried to ease her mind the best she could.

NAtalia praises Joss GH

Eventually, the doctor comes out to talk to the family. He explains Kristina has gone into shock, the baby is in fetal distress. The baby has separated from the placenta, which is its lifeline. He informs them that Kristina is being taken to the OR for an emergency C-section.

Kristina's family updated GH

On the next General Hospital, TJ tells Jordan, “This is her fault.” Blaze asks her mother if a part of her still feels that way. Joss leans on Dex and tells him that one second could have made all the difference. Anna questions Trina about what she saw. Ava swears to Chase that this was a terrible accident. Sonny tells Dante, “They will pay!”