Behind The Gear: What's The White Build-Up On Ethen Frank's Stick Blade? Capitals Rookie Dives Into Unique, Arts & Crafts-Esque Tape Job trucc


Behind The Gear: What's The White Build-Up On Ethen Frank's Stick Blade? Capitals  Rookie Dives Into Unique, Arts & Crafts-Esque Tape Job

The Capitals rookie has a unique game day routine when it comes to his tape job.

ARLINGTON, V.A. — When it comes to his hockey gear, Washington Capitals rookie Ethen Frank gets crafty.

Frank's unique tape job has drawn attention as he's started his NHL career, as he tapes half of the toe black, and then has an excess of white on the bottom of the blade.

It's actually wax — a lot of it — but it's not hockey wax.

Frank uses Mr. Zog's Sex Wax, which is used to coat the decks of surfboards to help surfers maintain their balance.

He's not the first hockey player to turn to surf wax and explained that it actually benefits him more than standard hockey wax brands.

"I just find it to be a little stickier, helps keep the tape kind of intact, a little better, and keep snow off the tape," Frank explained. "When the puck is rimmed off the boards and it's spinning a lot, it helps to stop the spin because of how sticky it is. So little things like that I think make a difference."

Frank's routine has been years in the making; he's been using the same tape and wax job since high school, but over his career, it's gotten a bit more intricate.

During his college days at Western Michigan, his equipment manager told Frank that one of the former players used to melt the wax, and from there, a new routine was born.

At home, which is currently a hotel as he relishes in his first NHl call-up, Frank will engage in a bit of arts and crafts with his girlfriend. They will take the wax and put it into a double boiler, and then pour it into cupcake moulds for use. Then, on game day, he'll take a heat gun, melt the wax and smear it on the tape.

"I tried it (in college) and I've never done anything different since," Frank said.