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Jennifer, who is a friend on the current RHOBH season, and RHOBH alum, Crystal Kung Minkoff, appeared on WWHL on Feb. 25, where they talked about the current season of RHOBH and discussed the wallet sizes of the cast members. When asked by Andy who of the RHOBH cast has the "biggest wallet," Crystal stated that it was Jennifer.
"I think it's Jennifer Tilly, too," Andy said.
"Yeah, hands down," Crystal agreed.
But Jennifer took the time to defend herself. "I have a very small wallet because all I need to put in it is my Black AMEX," she said, jokingly. "So it's teeny!"
Jennifer Tilly reveals she's "delusional" about her net worth
But the Bride of Chucky actress can't even believe that there is this much interest in her finances. She spoke with E! News on Jan. 14, where she admitted that she was "astonished" that people care this much. "Number one, I don't think of myself as rich," she admitted. "But I guess I'm delusional because I do have several properties and a purse that apparently cost $33,000."
Despite owning four homes, Jennifer admitted that her and her boyfriend, Phil Laak, live humbly. "My boyfriend and I live very simply and in a very, small, cluttered house," she told the publication. "Yes, there's a giant house next door, but we don't go there. I guess we're kinda delusional. I don't have a mansion or a chauffeur that calls me Miss Tilly and makes out with me like Sutton [Stracke]'s chauffeur. I just live my life the way that I used to live."